How truly blessed we are in the Archdiocese of Louisville that our Holy Father Pope Francis, impelled by the Holy Spirit, has appointed Bishop Shelton Joseph Fabre as our 10th bishop and 5th archbishop.  I am delighted to welcome Archbishop-designate Shelton, whom I have admired and called friend for the past 15 years.

Archbishop Fabre comes from Louisiana and brings with him such outstanding gifts – a deep love of Jesus Christ, an abiding trust in Jesus’ care for His Church, a listening and very approachable spirit, a strength of character, and a desire to serve the people of God and all people as he humbly relies on the grace of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit. As I give thanks for the privilege to have served as Archbishop of Louisville, I know in my heart that Pope Francis has given a great gift to the wonderful Archdiocese and Province of Louisville by appointing a true servant of Jesus Christ.

Archbishop Fabre’s motto, “Comfort My People,” drawn from the Prophet Isaiah, speaks to his desire to be a faithful instrument of Jesus Christ. I rejoice and welcome my friend, Archbishop Shelton, as he brings Louisiana Cajun flavor to our fine Commonwealth, and I pledge to support him fully in his “new Kentucky home!”

Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D.
February 8, 2022

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