Sexual Abuse Review Board

The Archbishop has appointed a review board composed primarily of lay persons not in the employ of the Archdiocese. This Board functions as a confidential consultative body to the Archbishop in discharging his responsibilities. The functions of this board include:

  • To assess allegations of sexual abuse of vulnerable persons by priests, deacons, and other Church personnel in order to advise the Archbishop on whether or not the allegations appear to be credible.
  • To make recommendations to the Archbishop concerning an individual’s fitness to continue in ministry. Options might include complete removal from ministry or employment, limited ministry or employment, or continuing in ministry or employment.
  • To review archdiocesan policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse and to recommend modifications as necessary.
  • When necessary, the Board also may assist the Archbishop in reviewing cases of sexual misconduct involving adults.

See below for a description of the Board, its responsibilities, its operational guidelines and a listing of Board members.


The Archdiocese of Louisville Sexual Abuse Review Board has been established in accordance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and the subsequent Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests or Deacons, as approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in November, 2002 and given recognition by the Apostolic See on December 8, 2002.


The membership of this Board will consist of at least 5 persons of outstanding integrity and good judgment in full communion with the Church. The majority of the Board will be lay persons not in the employ of the Archdiocese, but at least one member should be a priest who is an experienced and respected pastor of the Archdiocese. The Board should include experts in medicine, therapy, law, canon law, and victim advocacy, as well as parents. The members will be appointed for a term of five years, which can be renewed.


  • To assess allegations of sexual abuse of vulnerable persons by priests, deacons, and other Church personnel in order to advise the Archbishop on whether or not the allegations appear to be credible.
  • To make recommendations to the Archbishop concerning an individual’s fitness to continue in ministry or employment. Options might include complete removal from ministry or employment, limited ministry or employment, or continuing in ministry or employment.
  • To review archdiocesan policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse and to recommend
  • modifications as necessary.
  • When necessary, the Board also may be asked to assist the Archbishop in reviewing cases of sexual misconduct involving adults.

Operational Guidelines

  • The Board will meet as often as needed, but no less than one time per year to review allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Church personnel. The Board will not normally review cases under criminal investigation, unless a criminal investigation has been completed with an uncertain outcome. The Review Board will only examine accusations involving living clergy, employees, or volunteers who have been accused unless extraordinary circumstances demand otherwise.
  • The Review Board will receive from the Archbishop or his delegate a complete written record of the allegations made, a detailed description of the interviews with the accuser and the response of the accused to the accusation made, the results of both criminal and archdiocesan investigations, and any information pertinent to the allegation from the accused’s personnel file. The accused will be informed of the information that will be presented to the Review Board and may choose to make a presentation in person or in writing to the Board.
  • The Review Board will assess the credibility of the allegation and whether the accusation conforms to the definition of sexual abuse of a minor as outlined in the Archdiocese of Louisville Sexual Abuse Policies.
  • The Review Board is authorized to request further investigations of allegations and/or to request the results of psychological evaluations as necessary and appropriate in each particular case.
  • The Review Board will present the results of its recommendations in person to the Archbishop. If the Board does not reach consensus about its recommendations, the Archbishop will have the opportunity to hear all points of view.
  • The deliberations of the Sexual Abuse Review Board will be strictly confidential, and no detailed minutes will be taken or maintained. Summary notes indicating the purpose of the meeting, the individuals in attendance, the decisions made, and the next steps will be recorded and retained in the office of the Chancellor. All documents given to the Archdiocese of Louisville Sexual Abuse Review Board will be collected at the conclusion of each meeting and returned to the Archbishop’s Office.
  • When an accusation cannot be substantiated, the Review Board will review the results of any archdiocesan or criminal investigation, psychological profiles, victim and witness statements, responses from the accused, and information in the accused’s personnel file to make recommendations to the Archbishop for further ministry, employment, or volunteer service. The Review Board may recommend a continuation of ministry, employment, or service without restrictions; a continuation of ministry, employment, or service with restrictions; or the termination of ministry, employment, or service.
  • Whether or not a criminal investigation is underway, the Archbishop will inform the Review Board of all allegations of the sexual abuse of a minor by a Church employee.
  • Once per year, the Archdiocese of Louisville Sexual Abuse Review Board will be presented with a report on the implementation of the Sexual Abuse Policies and safe environment program. The Review Board will make recommendations for improvement and revisions of these policies and procedures.
  • When necessary and at the discretion of the Archbishop, the Review Board may be asked to give counsel on adult cases of sexual misconduct.

Current Board Members

Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre (Convener)

Dr. Paulette F. Adams, RN
Professor Emerita (Former Dean of Nursing)

Judge Judith McDonald-Burkman
Retired Circuit Court Judge, 30th Judicial Circuit

Dr. Cindy Crabtree
Retired President, Sacred Heart Schools
Former Dean, Spalding University School of Nursing

Dr. George Haarman
Clinical Psychologist

Reverend William D. Hammer
Pastor, Saint Margaret Mary Parish and Saint William Parish, both Louisville, Kentucky

Mr. John Laun (Chairperson)
Attorney, Former Bullitt County Judge

Reverend Jeffrey P. Shooner
Vicar General, Archdiocese of Louisville
Pastor, Saint Boniface and Saint Patrick Parishes, both Louisville, Kentucky

Dr. Gerald Sturgeon
Retired Pediatrician
Past President-Kentucky Pediatric Society

Mr. Joseph White
Retired Counselor and Assistant Principal, St. Xavier High School

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