A Journey Through the Catechism

Year Three Timeline
August-September 2013 Small Community Leader Training – The Profession of Faith: What We Believe Engages participants in continuing to learn, practice and develop a broad range of facilitation skills. Provides a basic theological overview of the Apostles’ Creed, with special emphasis on the central mystery of our Christian faith: the Blessed Trinity.
Fall 2013 Faith-Sharing – The Profession of Faith What We Believe Small groups of Why Catholic? participants meet in their various locales for Sessions 1 to 6 of the Profession of Faith book.
Spring 2014 Adult Faith Formation –Why Catholics Read the Bible Explores how to read, understand, and pray with the Bible from a Catholic perspective. Focuses on the Catholic understanding of the dynamic interaction between the Scriptures and Tradition that keep the Word alive.

Audience: The entire parish will be invited for this adult faith formation opportunity being held at a variety of locations and times around the Archdiocese.

Lent 2014 Faith-Sharing – The Profession of Faith; What We Believe
Small groups of Why Catholic? participants meet in their various locales for Sessions 7 to 12 of the Profession of Faith book.
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